4 pm Saturday, May 8, UOW Uni Hall Wollongong
March 24, 2021
Hockey Dad
The Vanns
Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers
Good Lekker
Last 50 Tickets On-Sale NOW from Moshtix

Attention kids! We haven’t forgotten you! The Yours and Owls All Ages show has moved to May 8, same COVID Safe venue and same COVID Safe time.
All tickets remain valid, and we have 50 tickets left to purchase, so if you missed out, head over to Moshtix and snap them up! If you can’t make the new date, you have until 5 pm Monday, May 5, to get your refund from http://bit.ly/MoshHelp
Shake off this cray year with local heroes Hockey Dad, Gong alternative OG’s The Vanns,nostalgic grunge-pop Canberran’s Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers, and loved local psych outfit Good Lekker.
Safety First: The safety and wellbeing of our community are supreme; we will be working with local health advisors right up until doors open to ensure the show is operating within whatever parameters are needed come May 8!
Tickets On-Sale NOW from Moshtix
Connect with Yours & Owls