Tiana Troy – Careful “Single Review”

Tiana Troy – Careful “Single Review”

Tuesday March 15, 2022

The new release for Sydney music artist Tiana Troy follows a string of singles in 2020 that include Whatever and Waiting For You.

The new one is an extension of her previous releases, not quite dance yet decidedly more brazen and bolder in its approach, musically and lyrically. Tiana’s streamlined pop examination of self-empowerment utilises a subtle rhythmic pulse, barebones instrumentation, and restrained melodic tendencies to present a non-nonsense trip into self-empowerment.

As Tiana says about her latest foray, ‘Not only did I turn eighteen one day before Sydney’s biggest lockdown, but it was also the day before I was meant to be in the studio to record vocals for all the new songs I had written. However, I overcame that. I bought a new microphone, made a DIY vocal booth out of blankets, and began recording! Altogether, I recorded eight new tracks in my attic—including CarefulCareful is about being in charge, taking control and owning it. I walked into the studio and said, I’m sick of writing love songs.

I want a song where I’m the boss!’ Careful is pretty much that—a sultry R&B pop song with a persuasive vocal: and of course, Tiana in charge. It’s perhaps not a coincidence that Tiana’s environment—the lockdown, the frustration related to all that—has evolved into a track that, although keeping true to its minimalist pop touchstones, feels charged with a sense of feistiness, the need to escape or the need to assert control.

And the lyric pulls no punches, making the most of some strong imagery mixed with confidence and awareness such as contained in the second verse, ‘Always put me first yeah I run your world / Speak to me like church yeah I am your gospel / Devil with a curse you’re under my spell / Don’t you dare come I’ll show you a new hell’ Careful, with its measured adherence to a contemporary sound is sure to attract attention, at a streaming level and at radio.

Tiana Troy
Tiana Troy