The Skarntz – Wollongong’s latest great new band

The Skarntz – Wollongong’s latest great new band

December 17, 2021

Blending a fusion of Ska, Punk and Reggae ‘The Skarntz’ are the band on everyone’s lips, swinging everybody’s hips and loving every minute of it!

They’re the answer to the question no one is asking – Where are all the Ska bands in Wollongong?

The Skarntz are –

The Red Emperah – Guitar/Main Vox

Jar Jar Rydymshart – Drums/Vox

Da Bass Commandah – Bass/Vox

Lord Whippetdem – Keys/Good Times

Photo credit | JohnnyD Photography

Catch them at La La Las 14th January! TICKETS

Connect with The Skarntz