April 08, 2024
It will be Pandemonium this April! Recently pandemonium, it seems, has ensued.
Pandemonium Rocks Australia this April for the first time! We have been hard at work ensuring we deliver events that provide fans with the best possible experience and we extend our thanks to those who have patiently waited for our good news.
Four festival dates with a couple of location tweaks and a formatting alteration, and one killer Newcastle side show will proceed later this month!
We acknowledge the current state of the Australian economy and the cost of living crisis, of which we’re constantly reminded of by the media. This cost of living crisis has impacted the live music touring industry significantly and forced many other festivals and tours sadly, to cancel. Pandemonium is not one of those and despite aforementioned national issues our festival is moving forward.
With slightly altered programming Pandemonium is still headline iconic act heavy!
Fans will rock out at our festival events to:
Alice Cooper
Psychedelic Furs
Palaye Royale
Cosmic Psychos
They’re all ready to rock and take the Pandemonium stage. That’s right, stage, not stages.
Pandemonium is now a one stage festival.
The Gold Coast show will be moving from Doug Jennings Park to Broadwater Parklands,ensuring ease of access and egress as well as accessible car parking.
Due to popular consumer demand, the Brisbane event will be moving from Sandstone Point Hotel to the more city centric Eatons Hill.
Saturday, April 20: Caribbean Gardens, Melbourne
Tuesday, April 23: Alice Cooper, Blondie, Psychedelic Furs, Wolfmother side show Entertainment Centre, Newcastle*
Thursday, April 25 (Anzac Day): Cathy Freeman Park – Sydney Olympic Park Precinct, Sydney
Saturday, April 27: Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast (new venue)
Sunday, April 28: Eatons Hill Hotel, Brisbane (new venue)** Blondie not appearing
*Blondie will now share the stage with Alice Cooper, the Psychedelic Furs and Wolfmother in Newcastle on Tuesday April 23 from 6pm. New tickets will be allocated for Blondie’s Newcastle show (previously Monday, April 22) and sent by Ticketek for Tuesday April 23.

Deep Purple will not be performing at Pandemonium Festival later this month. Deep Purple are eager to tour Australia in the future as their schedule permits.
Placebo are very disappointed to announce they will not now be performing at Pandemonium Festival in April in Australia. The band are very sad not to be able to play at this time but instead hope to come to Australia with their own shows at a later date.
Dead Kennedys and Gang of Four will not be performing at Pandemonium Festival later this month. Both acts hope to tour Australia in the future as their schedule permits.
The newly formatted Pandemonium Rocks festival dates will boast new and more affordable general admission ticket pricing of $190 per ticket. (Eatons Hill Hotel now at $165 GA, plus fees).
Existing Full Price General Admission ticket holders
(GA tickets purchased at full price excluding tickets purchased using any offers or promotions)
can choose one of the following three options:
– One complimentary GA ticket per full price ticket purchased to be added to their existing order.
– A partial refund of $70, which is the difference of the initial price to the new price.
– An exclusive Pandemonium hoodie valued at $100, not available at merchandise stands.
Details on our website soon.
All patrons, including VIP ticket holders will soon receive updated ticket information via Oztix with the above details and more.
Our commitment to Wounded Heroes for Veterans Welfare in Sydney and Top Blokes Foundation in aid of Logan’s Legacy and Prevention of Juvenile Your Suicide Prevention remain in place.
Pandemonium Rocks 2024 not only delivers a day of iconic artists who are the soundtrack to our lives but also by proceeding supports our Australian artists, crews and music fans, the importance of supporting the Australian Festival scene right now has never been more important to ensure there is a future.
We truly love the support and understanding of our patrons in these tough economic times and are looking forward to seeing you all at the Pandemonium event of your choice.
Alice, Debbie, The Furs, Andrew, Brendan, The Royale’s and the Psycho’s are ready to rock, performing live and loud……don t miss out!
Tickets and Information for all events can be found at