The Dreadful Tides – Foul Play “Single Review”

The Dreadful Tides – Foul Play “Single Review”

Tuesday January 17, 2023

The Dreadful Tides have returned with their third single Foul Play, the follow-up to House of Pain and Crazy. The band from Melbourne once again creates a compelling rock mix by combining a wide variety of different hard rock genres. The band, who comprise Holden Stirling (vocals), Justin Strudwick (guitar), Darius Kooth (bass), and Leland Hallett (drums), use a variety of techniques to bring their musical creation to life, including deftplaying, an ambiguous and compelling lyric, and no doubt an awareness of the importance of utilising melodic components to propel a song into a more refined category. In one way, this aspect, the melodies, and their structure is part of the track’s most persuasive and individualistic appeal, particularly when set against the disquieting implications of the narrative, with its references to devilry and aggression and an overall bristly mood. The production is clean and direct, allowing the guitar and vocals to share the space, which is all emphasised by considered instrumentation and apt, effectual dynamics. On Foul Play, the band’s steadfast and deliberate performance enhances the song rather than it being merely an opportunity to showcase their capabilities, flex technique muscles or present a rigid, monochromatic aesthetic. As the band says, ‘Foul Play tells the story of a man falling down the wrong path of his brother. Some say it’s a song about revenge; others say it’s a warning given by a wise family member.’ Whatever is guiding the new track,warning or warring, its enigmatic story and accompanying sonic tones and textures makes for an intriguing trip into The Dreadful Tides’ blended rock and roll landscape. After the resounding success of the band’s tracks thus far, Foul Play will undoubtedly appease the band’s fan base and solidify an unfurling reputation for writing and releasing authoritative contemporary hard rock.