FRIDAY 23 JULY, 2021
Robyn Payne – When a blues-rock track opens with the following lines, ‘In my soul is an open plain, dry and parched like an empty lakebed / Howling wind through the barren range, I’ll never let em hear it again’, you know you’re in for somewhat of a rather distinctive musical ride.
Robyn Payne’s Dripping Down My Heart is just that; a blues-based pop-rock track with a considered lyric, accomplished playing and quite an explosive yet controlled vocal performance. The new single is the follow-up to Jimmy, released earlier this year. Dripping Down My Heart features guest vocalist Elise Beattie, with lyrics written by collaborator Casey Pilcher.
The song begins with the track’s governing guitar riff, a series of descending staccato notes whose hooky qualities are due to its percussive inventiveness as much as it is to its melodic fervour. This guitar phrase interlocks with the verses and the chorus, serving as a recurring interlude, continually bisecting the song in a coherent and coalescing way.
The first half of the track contains a repeated cycle of this combination of riff, verse and chorus until a more melodic guitar part guides the track into another zone. The groove is stripped back in this section, evoking more of a traditional blues air until it segues into the expected but no less effective guitar solo.
Another cycle of verse and chorus follow, with the lead riff closing the track. This marriage of rootsy, organic guitar-led music with a more reasoned, thoughtful set of words positions the track in its own little universe, despite some of the obvious signature traits of a blues-rock style.
As an insight into the track’s origins, co-writer Casey Pilcher says, ‘Songwriting began as a simple personal challenge which then transformed to an outlet for life’s various emotions and stories, whilst entertaining some dreams of commercial interest.’ Dripping Down My Heart is accessible contemporary rock that carefully navigates its way down from history to reach a peak of noteworthy appeal.
Just as Jimmy attracted extensive coverage on ABC Local, Triple R and a host of other media outlets, Dripping Down My Heart is sure to receive the same attention.