October 29, 2019
Blue Mountains songwriter Claude Hay is hitting the road this spring to launch his new band project ‘Claude Hay and The Kung Fu Mustard’. The new band takes its cues from old school funk, one of Claude’s first musical loves, and will take the dance floor up a notch at his already heaving shows.
Claude has been developing the new material with producer-composer Brian Cachia who will also be playing the role of funky drummer on the live gigs. Cachia has been a long-time friend and sometime collaborator who spends most of his time working on Hollywood film scores.
Claude Hay has been one of the leading lights of the Aussie festival scene for almost a decade, chocking up uncountable kays in pursuit of a heaving marquee to pump out the blues rock riffage. His solo show has taken him around the world, and his famous weird and wonderful homemade guitars have cranked out 5 albums over the past 10 years.
You can shake your booty to Claude Hay at shows up and down the east coast this November and December including Beaches Hotel Thirroul Friday 1st November.
Watch Claude Hay and the Kung Fu Mustard Studio Demo

Australian Tour Dates
Friday 1 NOV
Beaches, Thirroul, NSW
8:00pm, Free Entry
7-10 NOV
The Bendigo Blues & Roots Festival, VIC
Tickets and info: www.bendigobluesandroots.com.au/
Saturday 16 NOV
Lithgow Blast, Lithgow, NSW
Gates 2:00pm, Free entry
Friday 29 NOV
The Stag and Hunter Hotel, Newcastle, NSW
8:00pm, $12
Tickets: bit.ly/ClaudeHay-Stag-19
Saturday 30 NOV
The Harrington Hotel, Harrington, NSW
8:00pm, Free entry
Friday 6th DEC
Mo’s Desert Clubhouse, Burleigh Heads, QLD
with Stoker + Moana + Lucid Professor
7:00pm, $15
Tickets: www.mosdesertclubhouse.com/
Saturday 7 DEC
The Royal Mail Hotel, Goodna, QLD
1:00pm, Free entry
Saturday 7 DEC
Greaser Bar,Fortitude Valley, QLD
With special guests
8:30pm, Free entry
Sunday 8 DEC
Head’s Shed, Wolvi, QLD
1:00pm, Price
Friday 13 DEC
Austrian Club, Mawson, ACT
7pm $25 door / $20 pre
Tickets: www.canberrabluessociety.com.au/gig/claude-hay-band/
Saturday 21 DEC
Butter Factory Blues at Old Butter Factory, Port Macquarie, NSW
Tickets: bit.ly/ButterfactoryBlues2019
Connect with Claude Hay