By Loretta de Haan
August 28 2019
It has been more than two decades since iconic 1990s four-piece Southern Sons performed together. Now, in a special coup for music fans, the beloved band are coming back together for a 2019 Reunion tour, featuring all their classic hits.
Original members Jack Jones, Virgil Donati, Geoff Cain and Peter Bowman will undertake a whirlwind tour throughout November and December, taking music lovers on a walk down memory lane as they traverse hits such as ‘Hold Me In Your Arms’ and ‘Heart in Danger’ to name a few.
We spoke to singer Jack Jones about the show coming to Anita’s Theatre, Thirroul and all things Southern Sons.
How did the idea of Southern Sons reforming for this special reunion tour come about?
Well firstly it’s a thing that we never thought would happen so it’s nice that it has eventuated. It’s a can that has been kicked up the road in the past but for whatever reasons like band members weren’t available, didn’t want to do it etc. Phil Buckle graciously declined with our blessing and gave his blessing in going on and doing it. Phil has been very prolific with his music since we broke up and just wants to do his own thing at home with his music. The idea kind of came up about a year ago after a discussion with my manager to do a solo show at The Palms playing the first Southern Sons album in it’s entirety. It was to gauge how many people were interested, he said there would be a lot of interest but I wasn’t convinced and I guess didn’t have the ability to be objective about it but in the end although it would have been easier to say no, I said yes let’s just give it a go! It went really well and then I did a few more shows with my band and then the offer of doing One Electric Day plus some side shows came up and someone said do you think the original band members would be interested in doing it and I replied “look all I can do is ask.” I see Virgil regularly and we have collaborated on stuff and Reggie too but had no idea where Geoff was as he was out bush somewhere with no car, phone, internet, he doesn’t even have an email address! So that took some effort but it’s been great reconnecting with him again.
Are you looking forward to returning to your ‘roots’ and playing with Virgil, Geoff and Peter again?
Yes I am although I have played with Virgil on a few things over the years but to be getting back with those boys for this and making that music together again is very exciting. I am so looking forward to re experiencing that together again. We are all a bit older now and a bit more nostalgic and open to what it can bring into our lives now. It’s going to be fun and I’m super pumped about it!
Do you have much rehearsal time planned?
Well we are frantically getting our members together but unlike the old days where we lived in the same town, everyone is scattered around the globe these days! We have our rehearsals booked and everyone has their stuff and knows what to do so we will just get in that room and it will be like old times hopefully.
You have performed Southern Sons songs as part of your solo performances, how different will it be for you performing them with the original band members?
Well I think what we are going for is to not go too far off the reservation, to not do the “2019 version of Southern Sons” though of course we are all older now but the essence of Southern Sons will be there. The idea is to celebrate the music as it was experienced back then, not to change it and for it to have it’s full nostalgic impact. That’s what we are going for. We want our fans who have waited 30 years to hear our music again to be taken back to that time.
It has been more than two decades since Southern Sons. What are your memories of that time?
Well for the most part I don’t remember it and I will tell you why. It’s because for most of that experience I was pretty terrified and didn’t really get to enjoy it at the time. I don’t want it to sound dramatic but I wasn’t present as I was always worried about things. This surprises people but I had never sang upfront in a band before, had always been the guitar player so I wasn’t prepared for all of this, as a singer it was a real shock for me. I was constantly worried about things like I would lose my voice and wouldn’t be able to sing that night as the songs were very vocally challenging for me. So it distracted me from enjoying the moment. I felt the pressure as I had always wanted to play in a band with Virgil Donati and when he asked me to be the singer it was a big deal as the guitar was my first instrument not singing. So when you ask me what my memories are they are great memories of playing big shows and touring with John Farnham plus our own shows but unlike today these tours could go for months on end, we toured for 8 months straight once! So it was like sound check, nap, gig, sleep, drive or fly to next gig and do it all over again and again. In store signings, radio interviews, sound check, meet & greets, gig, after show meetings, sleep. That was pretty much my life and don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining but there was just a lot of anxiety for me around it because I wanted to be at my best all the time and that required a lot of discipline and not having the traditional ‘fun’ you have on tour. So I am really, really looking forward to these shows because I think I am going to be able to enjoy them a bit more and soak it all up and take it all in. I’m so excited about that part of it .
You were so young back then too!
Yes I was in my late teens, so young. . .it’s mental really (laughs)
How different would it be if the band were starting out now compared to the 90’s?
You mean if I was 18 again starting out again?
I think I would be the same but it would be me having all those feelings as the model of how life looks now. I struggle with social media, not that I have anything against it, it is a big distraction for me & takes me away from my work. So I would be the same but different if we were starting out now. It would be me as I was then just experiencing it all as it is now. I am glad I did it when I did it to be honest with you. We just got in there at a golden age of music, we just got in when people pressed records and sold and bought records. We just got in when there was a real yearning and desire for music that just doesn’t exist now. Back in the days when you got so excited when you received that phone call, on your landline, from the record store to say that new record you ordered was in. You would race up to get it, bring it home, unwrap it, smell it even and then put it on the turntable. It was a real experience. It was magical man! Not that I don’t love music now, I do and it still inspires me but I just miss that experience and it really was a magical time and I feel so grateful to have been a part of that music business during that time as it will never happen again.
So we are very excited to welcome Southern Sons to Anita’s Theatre in November. Can you tell us what fans can expect from the show?
I am so pumped to be playing in that theatre as I have heard so many great things about it! All my friends who live down there have been telling me for ages I have to play there. . .and now I am. The show will consist of all the hits, most of the first record plus a collection of songs from the second and third album. They are going to see Reggie, Geoff, Virgil and myself for the first time in almost 30 years playing together again. So without giving too much away that’s about what they can expect. Hopefully they will love it and participate. We are really looking forward to seeing people there that’s for sure!
You were known for your luscious long hair back in the 90’s will it make a comeback too?
They are going to be seeing me with less hair (laughs) Reggie & Geoff still have their locks but Virg and I aren’t sporting those locks anymore but you have to keep things fairly even you know. I think we will all do alright, you work with what you got (laughs)
Is this a one off reunion tour or is there the possibility of Southern Sons recording new music or touring more?
You know what you just never know with these things, you just have to take them as they come. Nobody is putting the cart before the horse here but I think it’s a great start and a great opportunity for us to get back together and do some playing, some hanging and just see what’s around the corner. We know what it’s like to say no to stuff and now we are saying yes to this so you never know what it might evolve into. We are just taking it one step at a time and just can’t wait to revisit this music with our fans, with people that were with us from the beginning and just a great opportunity to celebrate it with them again.
Have Southern Sons performed in Wollongong before?
I’m sure we did, we must have played in the Gong but I wouldn’t be able to tell you where. We pretty much played everywhere so I am sure we did. I hope there are people down there that remember us and show up for the gig!
Southern Sons were a formidable force in the music scene with an ARIA nominated debut album followed by two more successful albums and a string of smash hits. Do you have a favourite song?
I don’t know that’s hard but at the moment I am having a real renaissance moment with ‘Something More’ from our first record but of course I am also proud of all our singles the ones that put us on the map with people. I am enjoying revisiting and re experiencing them all again. Some of the songs have a different meaning for me now than back then.
Your songs are still played on the radio today. What do you think the secret of their longevity is?
I don’t really know but all I can say is when we were making them even though they were popular songs we weren’t trying to make disposable music, we wanted to make something that was lasting and memorable. So even though the songs were catchy we wanted to have songs that had meaningful lyrics and we unashamedly pursued that. We all loved pop music and we never tried to not have hits. Part of what we considered hits to be had certain elements of depth in them. Perhaps that’s what has given us the longevity of our music. We are obviously very grateful for that.
Thanks again for your time to chat with us today Jack and we look forward to taking a walk down memory lane with you at Anita’s Theatre on the 29 November.
Lovely chatting with you and look forward to coming down to Anita’s Theatre soon. See ya!
Southern Sons play Anita’s Theatre on Friday 29 November as part of their Reunion tour.
Get tickets for Anita’s here.

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