Friday 23 July, 2021
Rock N’ Load Mag EU has said about Melbourne based Electric Mary, ‘Globally renowned for their explosive brain-bending live performances’,and Rocktopia U.K called them ‘Compelling, Authentic and Absolutely Vital’.
The band has now released a new single, The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll, a powerful rock track. Electric Mary has attracted millions of collective Spotify streams, including the single, Let Me Out, nudging 2 million hits. The new song blends aspects of classic rock with a contemporary structure, merging blazing guitar riffs, thunderous backbeats and soaring vocals to produce an enthralling musical ride.
A stirring guitar riff intros the song, acting as a counterweight to the verses. Beneath this interplay of guitar and vocal is the rhythm section, which pushes the track forward while maintaining the pulse.
The chorus is not a typically over the top affair but understated and cleverly positioned, imbuing the track with effective dynamics. The track reaches its zenith in the final section, with a rousing gang vocal part that takes the song into an entirely new place. The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll has attributes of retro and contemporary hard rock—the riffs, the high-flying vocal, the swagger—and it’s this attempt to marry the two that works in the track’s favour.
The production is polished without detracting from any of the band’s warmth and raw energy, with the reprise section at the end particularly impressive. Hard rock is a seemingly immortal music genre, and it’s because of bands like Electric Mary, who keep extending the borderlines and reinvigorating the style.
With extensive tours of Europe and elsewhere under its belt, Electric Mary, ‘Whose live performances are becoming the stuff of legends’ ( and their new release, The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll will undoubtedly attract a legion of new fans, in Australia and globally, as well as help to add to their already healthy streaming numbers.