Choice Ales and Cocktails at Wollongong’s Centro CBD

Choice Ales and Cocktails at Wollongong’s Centro CBD

December 14, 2021

February 2022 will be Ale & Cocktail o’clock in the Wollongong CBD!

Hosted by Stella Studioz and Centro CBD, Choice Ales & Cocktails on Thursday 3rd February includes FIVE incredible local artists, Centro’s famous cocktails, delicious ales AND you can enjoy their 5-star Italian cuisine in the restaurant before the event.

Doors open at 6:30pm and the eve kicks off with a spoken-word from M.C. Adara Enthaler,

Adara Enthaler

followed by a fun, quirky and HILARIOUS set from amazing local artist, Kay Proudlove.

Kay Proudlove

Singer/Songwriter Anthony Snape will deliver a slew of his unforgettable Nashville-inspired tunes

Anthony Snape

– then the night kicks up a few notches with the heavy-hitting, blues-stomping tones of Frank Sultana.

Frank Sultana

Headlining is the notorious 19-Twenty front-man Kane Dennelly —-you heard right!! Kane will be cranking his guitars and jumping on the kick & snare, creating a furiously fuelled, blues-rock bash you’re not likely to ever forget!

Kane Dennelly

The event will be hosted in the upstairs venue at Centro CBD, 28 Stewart Street Wollongong – dinner is available before the event, and the full menu is available at or call (02) 4225 3556 for reservations.

Artists and venues alike have been drastically affected by Covid-19 – and there is NO better way to welcome the re-opening of our artistic culture than to party together, share some drinks and make some memories!

Save the date NOW – Thursday 3rd February – and get to for tickets. What’s better than a Thursday night gig, and having your whole weekend free? That’s right – nothing! We’ll see you there!

*This project was funded through a creative Wollongong quick response grant by Wollongong City Council.