November 27, 2021

The music industry was one of the hardest hit sectors during the most recent NSW COVID Lockdown including Wollongong venue Centro CBD, an event centre that holds regular live music dining concerts as well as a popular Italian restaurant. 

When asked about his reaction to the announcement of that snap lockdown back in June, co -owner Robert Specogna explained “Initially we didn’t believe it, as we were doing sound check with Kate Ceberano for her matinee show as restrictions forced us to split the show to afternoon and night …

Then when reality kicked in we had to inform all the night ticket holders that we were in lockdown and unable to do the night show. After that I knew there would be a lot of work in trying to reschedule  the concerts we had already booked in and then have to deal with all the ticket holders .. Fortunately everyone was understanding and most retained their tickets for the new dates but trying to keep everyone informed was quite a task. The business was able to just tick along by being supported with our restaurant takeaway service until we opened up again.”

Robert Specogna – Centro CBD | Photo credit | JohnnyD Photography

Robert and co – owner Michael Arbelias put that downtime to good use by doing renovations to the event space.

They refurbished the bar area, recurtained the stage, added a new lighting show for the stage and room and purchased a new Allen & Heath SQ6 audio desk. They also looked into having an online table service which they have now implemented so guests can order and pay for their drinks at the table and then the wait staff just bring the drinks to you rather than waiting in line at the bar. The Kate Ceberano night concert was the first concert back and according to Robert this new system worked very well.

Photo credit | JohnnyD Photography

They also ordered rechargeable table lamps which arrived last week to add  to the atmosphere of the room.

With the ending of lockdown there is always the question. . .will people embrace live music again or will there be some hesitancy regarding purchasing tickets and going out in general.

For Centro CBD Initially it was a wait and see approach  but once they knew what the road map would be in regards to opening up they saw that within two weeks from that date guests started purchasing tickets to all the shows again. Robert explains “People had been in lockdown for so long that as soon as they could see freedom they were ready to enjoy themselves again plus they were also confident that if something was to happen we would always offer a refund with anything Covid related.”

Don’t Change – Ultimate INXS show returned to Centro CBD for another sold out show, this being the bands first show post lockdown. Singer Blair Dwyer commented on the anticipation of being back on stage again –

“Getting back to the stage for us is like being allowed to taste, touch or breathe again. It’s like one of our major senses was cut off and we’ve missed it immensely. It’s become clearer to each of us how at home we feel on stage, so it’s kinda like finally getting to share good times with friends again in the old family home. Especially in Wollongong where we’ve had so many amazing nights. It’s fitting our first show back would be down there. Feels right at home.

Blair Dwyer | Don’t Change – Ultimate INXS | Photo credit | JohnnyD Photography

We’re excited, but there’s also a strange calmness to the guys in the band. I feel like none of us really wanna talk about it. It’s like we don’t wanna jinx it, or maybe we’re just sick of the word “Covid”. It’s been our kryptonite. Even just saying the word makes us feel weak, cos’ it’s been so devastating to our industry and our live music loving community. We’ve had an insight into what the world would look like without live music and it’s straight up disturbing, but seeing that only makes us more determined than ever to make sure we’re on top of our game to keep live music afloat. This dark cave we were in only reminded us to never under value a second of the process. Not that we ever did.”

Check out Don’t Change – Ultimate INXS full photo gallery here.

Post lockdown is looking bright for Centro, they are booking shows again and  have pretty much a full roster of artists performing up to June next year booked in . Ticket sales are steady and Robert believes the tide is slowly turning for the music sector..  “We are very appreciative of the support we have had from the general public as it is a two way relationship … they keep buying the tickets and we will keep bringing the very best shows we can to the illawarra for them to enjoy.”

Check out what’s coming up at Centro CBD here.

Don’t Change – Ultimate INXS | Centro CBD | Photo credit | JohnnyD Photography