Tuesday October 18. 2022

Emerging Australian musician ZOE has just released a rich indie-pop song that focuses on a key era in her life when she travelled throughout Australia researching and polishing her artistic process. The song was inspired by her time spent travelling the length and width of Australia.

Fire produces a one-of-a-kind musical experience by fusing a certain kind of pop music with a gentler edge. In addition, despite the fact that Fire is a debut single, the song does not have the sound of one.

A soulful vocal performance with a unique blend of vulnerability and self-assurance, an expansive instrumental background, and a meditative message can be found on the new single, which will be included on ZOE’s upcoming debut EP Sun. As ZOE says about her new single, ‘The song talks about fire as the essence of humanity, our core energy. Humans have always gathered around fire.

So, in a way, fire becomes the place we are truly known. It also talks about finding home in each other and goes on to talk about the space that is left to grow when there is nothing (external) else left to find. It’s a song that kind of wants you to get through all the bullshit and materialism and then go, what is left now? What’s really important?

The answer to those questions is really what the song is getting at.’ Before beginning the recording process in Kalbarri, Western Australia, on a 10-date tour of the songwriter’s home state of WA, ZOE performed the song and other tunes from the forthcoming EP while travelling around Australia for the previous two years.

These tracks will be included on the upcoming EP. When asked what motivates her, the singer-songwriter shares the following: ‘The best things about being alive on Earth. The worst of it. Everything. I adore the vivid spectrum of reality, and also the un-imagined. I think what inspires me most is what people don’t think is possible. Finding what that impossible looks like and finding out how to make it appear possible.’ And that is what ZOE has done with Fire, creating a piece that exudes an aura of genuineness and a quality that will resonate with many people.